Friday, 4 September 2009

Updates during Fasting month

Time flies so is already 14 Ramadhan...syukur alhamdulillah till todate everything went there is no pasar ramadhan, so i have to think of the menu everyday but lucky me, faizal is not a fussy eater....everything laid on the table he eats...lets see, what have i cooked till todate...emm, we had roti jala, samosa, kuih keria, onde-onde, cucur ikan bilis, kuih kacang, bubur jagung, bubur kacang, choc moist cake, cokodok pisang, kuih ketayap,apam balik,nasi briyani ayam, nasi ayam, nasi lemak ayam berempah, soto ayam n other lauk pauk...wah not bad, variety of foods cooked by chef yazmin :)...

On 290809, we had our Malaysian community Iftar at Keenan House...there were variety of foods on the table as it was a potluck event...i brought mee goreng mamak and there were lots of food such as ayam percik, pecal, nasi/meehon/pasta goreng, pizza, kerabu mangga, roti john, mee ladna,murtabak,nasi tomato etc...there was also a merdeka choc cake baked by kak zarina...the cake was yummy delicious...

020909, my twin sistas celebrated their 24th birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to them...semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki...cepat cari kerja & lepas ni boleh belanja kita org pulak...

030909, a friend of mine delivered a beautiful baby girl...CONGRATULATIONS to shifa & zariman...