Thursday, 20 August 2009

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Selamat menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan & Selamat menunaikan ibadat puasa...bersyukur kita kepada Allah swt kerana dengan limpah dan rahmatnya kita dapat bertemu kembali dengan Ramadhan yang mulia...moga Ramadhan tahun ini kita semua mendapat keberkatan dan rahmat dari Allah...

Saturday, 15 August 2009

010809 till 090809

My cousin, Aan came to Durham for 9 days after her Euro trip...we were excited to meet her as it has been quite a while not seeing her...we fetched her at the train station and good girl Eryna was happy to meet her aunty :)...on her arrival day, we did not do much as we know she was tired except bringing her to our friends birthday celebration...the next day we managed to bring her to Dalton Park for her to do her shopping and thereafter to Seaham...on 030809, we decided to just laze around in the house and the day after we went to Durham town...the following day we went to Newcastle...brought her to Metrocentre, Millenium Bridge and had fish and chips for lunch... we wanted to also bring her to Angle of the North but due to the road works which closed the junction, she  had to just wave from far...maybe next time around will be bring you Aan...after two days of relaxing, we went for rasberry picking and to the park...the weather was fine and all of us had fun...090809, we said goodbye to Aan and we sent her off at the train station...

We hope Aan had fun staying with us and enjoyed all the food that i cooked...

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Birthday celebration

190709 - Kak Zarina and her daughter, Izzah

the food on the table was delicious...there were meehoon/nasi impit soto, rendang ayam, meehoon goreng, nasi minyak & ayam berempah, dadih, agar-agar, aiskrim malaysia and cakes...i brought my cute cupcakes and the kids love it...eryna really enjoyed herself by playing with the friends...we really had fun chit chatting with are some of the pictures taken during the event...

010809 - Aisyah, Nusaibah, Anis and Ain

another invitation and as usual not to mention the variety and mouth watering of foods on the table...there were cakes, all sorts of desserts, lasagna, nasi arab, meehoon soto, nasi impit with kuah kacang, meehoon goreng etc...this time around i brought my chocolate muffins...we ate, we laughed, we helped and all of us went home with  a full stomach...again pictures for viewing...