Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Salam Ramadhan

‎"Salam...saya 'SYAABAN'.Saya ingin mengingatkan bahawa sahabat kita...'RAMADHAN' akan dtg menziarahi kita sekeluarga bila2 masa sahaja lagi. Dia dtg bersama isterinya iaitu REZEKI dan juga 2 anaknya ...SAHUR dan IFTAR serta 3 org cucunya iaitu RAHMAT,BARAKAH dan KEAMPUNAN.Mereka akan pulang selepas 30 hari dgn menaiki pesawat TAQWA airlines.

Marilah kita menyambut dan menghargai kedatangan NYA.." (Sufi Amam, 2010)

Thursday, 7 January 2010

1st week of January

Since 2008,i always remember the first week of January...both me (Eryna in my tummy) and faizal just arrived in Durham...it was on the 5th of Janaury at about 11 am we touch down at Newcastle Airport...I can still feel the anxious moment getting through the visa checking and meeting new Malaysian friends in Durham...it was a new beginning for our family...it was a memory that I will not forget...

For 2010, we are still here and its our 2nd year...with god's willing, 2011 will be anoher memorable year for all of us...as for 2010, me and faizal have to work very hard to complete our studies...do pray for us...

Another date that i will remember starting this year will the 14th January, it is the date one of my best friend, TERK @ Aznita will be leaving Malaysia to accompany her husband in Jeddah...will miss you girl...as I told her, all things happen for a reason and you have to be brave to overcome all obstacles...be brave my friend...with the new technology,we can easily chat...so just buzz me...i am always here for you...

Let's hope 2010 will be a better year for all of us...

Monday, 4 January 2010


Hope this New Year brings you....
Hopes for a bright future,
Affection and Love,
Peace for the heart,
Prosperity that’s unlimited,
Year-round fun........

Monday, 21 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Here and there...

Long over due updates

hello everyone...

it's been a long time not updating my blog...pity my blog, silence for a moment...
here i'm back again...let see where do i start...

september 09
started class and yes being a student again...pursuing my MBA..wish me luck guys...had class every day from 9am-1pm plus discussion in the afternoon...went team building @ Borwick castle and was away for 2 nites...

ila and ila were here to help me for a while....we celebrated eid together...baked cakes, cookies, cupcakes etc...went to several open houses n malaysian raya gathering at keenan house...

accidently left my purse at the computer lab and luckily someone with a kind heart took and kept for me...

october 09
class on as usual...submitted my 1st assignment...
busy with discussion for boardroom exercise...
ila and ina went back to malaysia...:(

november 09
busy with classes and discussion
had our pre-boardroom and boardroom exercise...well done to my team...
submitted another assignment...
celebrated faizal's birthday...
celebrated raya aidladha @ fisher house...

december 09
attended classes...
winter break is around the corner...
had a surprise birthday party...
submitted 2 more assignments...that's it for the term...
going for short break during christmas..can't wait...

i guess that sums up all this that had happened during the past few months...
take care all...

Monday, 12 October 2009

Friday, 4 September 2009

Updates during Fasting month

Time flies so fast...today is already 14 Ramadhan...syukur alhamdulillah till todate everything went well...here there is no pasar ramadhan, so i have to think of the menu everyday but lucky me, faizal is not a fussy eater....everything laid on the table he eats...lets see, what have i cooked till todate...emm, we had roti jala, samosa, kuih keria, onde-onde, cucur ikan bilis, kuih kacang, bubur jagung, bubur kacang, choc moist cake, cokodok pisang, kuih ketayap,apam balik,nasi briyani ayam, nasi ayam, nasi lemak ayam berempah, soto ayam n other lauk pauk...wah not bad, variety of foods cooked by chef yazmin :)...

On 290809, we had our Malaysian community Iftar at Keenan House...there were variety of foods on the table as it was a potluck event...i brought mee goreng mamak and there were lots of food such as ayam percik, pecal, nasi/meehon/pasta goreng, pizza, kerabu mangga, roti john, mee ladna,murtabak,nasi tomato etc...there was also a merdeka choc cake baked by kak zarina...the cake was yummy delicious...

020909, my twin sistas celebrated their 24th birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to them...semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki...cepat cari kerja & lepas ni boleh belanja kita org pulak...

030909, a friend of mine delivered a beautiful baby girl...CONGRATULATIONS to shifa & zariman... 

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Selamat menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan & Selamat menunaikan ibadat puasa...bersyukur kita kepada Allah swt kerana dengan limpah dan rahmatnya kita dapat bertemu kembali dengan Ramadhan yang mulia...moga Ramadhan tahun ini kita semua mendapat keberkatan dan rahmat dari Allah...

Saturday, 15 August 2009

010809 till 090809

My cousin, Aan came to Durham for 9 days after her Euro trip...we were excited to meet her as it has been quite a while not seeing her...we fetched her at the train station and good girl Eryna was happy to meet her aunty :)...on her arrival day, we did not do much as we know she was tired except bringing her to our friends birthday celebration...the next day we managed to bring her to Dalton Park for her to do her shopping and thereafter to Seaham...on 030809, we decided to just laze around in the house and the day after we went to Durham town...the following day we went to Newcastle...brought her to Metrocentre, Millenium Bridge and had fish and chips for lunch... we wanted to also bring her to Angle of the North but due to the road works which closed the junction, she  had to just wave from far...maybe next time around will be bring you Aan...after two days of relaxing, we went for rasberry picking and to the park...the weather was fine and all of us had fun...090809, we said goodbye to Aan and we sent her off at the train station...

We hope Aan had fun staying with us and enjoyed all the food that i cooked...